Beautiful crown for the bride Ba Sapphire

Mogok at the top of the valley in Myanmar may result in the best rubies, but, in recent years

Sapphire is derived the name in English (in English: Ruby) from the floor (Latin: ruber), which means red in Latin. Natural ruby rare, but synthetic sapphire is its price is relatively cheap. Other types of quality stones are corundum to Sapphire. It is considered one of the four precious stones with blue sapphire, emerald and diamond [1]. Sapphire mines in Africa, Asia, Australia and Greenland, Madagascar, North Carolina. And are often found in Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka, Kenya, Madagascar, Cambodia, but also in Montana, North America and South Carolina and the Carolina states. Mogok at the top of the valley in Myanmar may result in the best rubies, but, in recent years, very few good rubies have been found there. The unique color in Myanmar (Burma) Sapphire described as "blood bath." They are known in the trade "Mogok" rubies. In the center of Myanmar Maung area also produces sapphire. Depository in Myanmar is situated in the Non-Aligned Movement Q. Sapphire in 2002 was found in the river area and Asguez Kenya. Spinels sometimes with rubies found in the same rocks and error Sapphire. But the fine red spinels that are approaching ruby average value. Sapphire his cruelty of 9.0 in the Mohs hardness wide range of metals. Sapphire crystal manufacturer has been used for the production of the first laser. Sapphire thermally processed at a temperature of approximately 1800 ° C (3300 ° F).

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